Visit to future pilot farms in Asturias: A Video-interview with Alejandro Vergara

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Alejandro Vergara from the Irish technology company Carbon Harvesters flied to Asturias to visit two of the farms where they will implement their technology in the framework of the GUARDIANS project.

Carbon Harvesters visited the CAMPOASTUR farms in Asturias at the end of March 2024. Two of the GUARDIANS project pilots are scheduled to take place there: the first related to regenerative agriculture, the latter related to cattle farms’ sustainability.

Carbon Harvesters, a company focused on carbon footprint and environmental sustainability of agricultural and livestock farms, has evaluated these two pilot farms in order to draw up a roadmap for data collection deriving from the technology implementation and establish regional targets that will set a benchmark at the European level.

Alejandro Vergara, co-founder at Carbon Harvesters, released a video interview to stress the importance of GUARDIANS’ multi-actor approach to test technologies and increase their acceptance among the communities of stakeholders, namely farmers.

Check out the video to discover more!

Carbon Harvesters will lead one of the six pilots scheduled for GUARDIANS, where they will provide and test the Environmental progress, profitability & provenance tool – technology designed to recognise and reward some agricultural and livestock management practices that bring benefits to the environment and society. This technology uses certified models to recognise opportunities for mitigation, facilitating the monetisation of sustainable practices and enabling carbon and biodiversity credit transactions between stakeholders.

This visit represents a crucial step towards GUARDIANS’ commitment to supporting co-creation among all the actors involved in tests and implementation of technologies in the agri-food sector.

This inclusive approach will pave the way for new sustainable farming approaches while promoting collaboration, respecting territories, and enabling social innovation as well as positive environmental impacts.